Bathurst Rotary Profile: Vanessa Blanchard, Rotary Exchange student

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An Experience of a Lifetime

Grade 12 student, Vanessa Blanchard, spent last year in France as part of a Rotary exchange. She was the guest speaker at the January 17th meeting. Here is a question and answer session with the dynamic student:

What were the highlights of your Rotary Exchange?

My highlights were meeting all of the new people who were so very welcoming. These people became some of the friends that I will never forget. I also visited a lot of places and experienced different cultures. It was also nice to live with different host families.

What did you gain from your experience abroad?

I learned a lot about myself and how to live with people from different countries.

What is some advice that you would give to a student that was considering being a part of a Rotary exchange?

My advice is, if you feel to do something like that, don’t think about what people say…just do it, because it’s a once in a lifetime experience.

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