Bathurst Rotary Club Scholarship Winners 2009

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Every year, the Bathurst Rotary Club awards a student from both BHS and ESN a scholarship worth 500$. This year’s recipients were:

Victoria Kulesza from BHS
Helene Robichaud from ESN

Congratulations and good luck!

Past recipients were:

2008: Sarah Debay BHS, Stephanie Boudreau ESN

2007 : Lauren Daley BHS , Stephanie Pitre ESN

2006 : Maura Riordon BHS, Amelie  Tremblay, ESN

2005: Crystal Laffoley BHS, Joline Hache ESN

2004: Hollie McLean BHS, Jonathan Roy ESN

2003: Kyleigh  Woods BHS, Annick Roy ESN

2002: Joshua St. Amand BHS, Remi Robichaud ESN

2001: Shawn Woods BHS, Sonia Wilson ESN

2000: Matthew Carreau BHS, Marie-Andree Arseneault ESN

1999: Michael Melanson  BHS, Karine Pitre ESN

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