Bathurst Rotary Auction on Max 104.9 November 30

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On Sunday  November 30, 2014, the Rotary Club of Bathurst will hold their 12th “Radio Auction” on MAX 104.9.  Proceeds will be donated to the various Rotary initiatives.  We are soliciting your support to help us meet these important needs.

Between September 23 and October 30, a member of the Bathurst Rotary Club will call on your business to ask for a donation of merchandise, or services to offer at the auction. The canvasser will have a printed donation form as identification, and will be asking for a donation of goods or services worth a minimum of $25.  Gift Certificates are a popular auction item. Alternately, cash donations will be welcomed and we will acknowledge your generosity during the broadcast.


A partial list of Auction items will be published in the November 11th Northern Light. A second, complete list will be published in the Nov 18th editions of the paper with your name, or the name of your business, displayed.  Also, the radio auctioneer will regularly acknowledge the generosity of your business during the 4-hour radio broadcast from 1pm – 5pm.  Together, we can elevate the awareness of your generosity while, at the same time, raise funds for an extremely worthwhile cause.


We ask you to please offer us your support in the form of auction merchandise, services or cash donations to assist us in this effort.  If you have any questions, please ask your canvasser.






Thank-you for your generosity,

The Rotary Club of Bathurst

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